Sunday, April 09, 2006

Some Randomness

It's been so long since I've written an entry on here. I feel like the past month was just a blur. But in this entry, I'm just going to throw some random thoughts out there, and next time (which hopefully won't be so far away) I'll have a proper entry.

- OK, I know the Oscars were a long time ago, and I had intended on writing an entire entry commenting on what I thought. So, I'll just summarize it here. The best movie won. That's my opinion. Yes, Brokeback Mountain was groundbreaking, and it was a good movie. But when I left the theater, it didn't make that much of an impression on me. Crash, however, left me thinking long after I saw it. Plus, with Brokeback, it wasn't like there were a lot of instances where you could tell that Jack and Ennis were a couple: one sex scene, one lengthy makeout scene, but that's about all. That doesn't really equal love for me. But, it's just my opinion, and I'll leave it at that.

- The other day, I was clipping a stray hair from my eyebrows and I was left wondering what is the point of having eyebrows. They really don't seem to have a real purpose. If anyone wants to clue me in, feel free.

- Last week was incredibly tiring. The other TA for METEO 3 had to have emergency surgery, which I found out about Monday night, so I volunteered to cover her classes last week. Unfortunately, there are three labs on Tuesday and they are back to back from 11:15 until 5:30. So, I was very, very tired at the end of the day. Then I had to teach two more on Wednesday. I think I'm just too nice for my own good. And that I seriously overestimate my endurance for teaching. It's finally been worked out that I won't have to do that for the rest of the semester, so I'm happy about that, but I do think I should get some sort of bonus. Or something more than a "thank you" for doing twice the amount of work that I should have done. Of course, I may be being just a little selfish....

- Speaking of teaching, there was this one kid in my morning lab on Wednesday who was being quite the bitch. I took two points off of her lab because she forgot to label her isopleths, but she had everything else perfect. And she has the gall to try to get those points back. Well, I wasn't about to back down, and then she just sat in a huff and complained that she doesn't care anymore. Well, boo-freakin-hoo. I don't know how many times I've told people to label their isopleths, but still people forget. Of course, as I was grading her lab this weekend, I took a little more pleasure in taking off points. And if she doesn't watch it, I may just make a little mistake in calculating the grades. The lesson here: don't piss me off. I'm a scorpio, and once people get on my bad side, they stay there for a good long time.

- I finally got to play poker again on Thursday. It's been such a long time. We were supposed to play seven card stud, but we didn't really have enough people. So we went back to Texas Hold 'Em. Unfortunately, I wasn't catching any cards, so I didn't make it as far as I would have liked. What can I do, though? Luck wasn't with me that night.

- I had a team meeting a week ago, with everyone that is working on the carbon budget on the east coast continental shelf. I gave a presentation, and I seemed to get good reviews and feedback from people. That made me feel validated, and not like an utter waste of space that a certain other professor made me feel. I'm still a little bitter about that. Seriously, he bases his email on one presentation. I'd like to see him make another conclusion in his research using one data point. He would never do that! But whatever. I don't have to please him. This whole debacle made me decide not to have him on my committee. That's all there is to it. I'd rather have people who will give constructive criticism, and he doesn't really do that well. To paraphrase Rory from Gilmore Girls, he had all the tact of a Nazi storm trooper. (That's a double insult because he is German.)

- I can't believe it's April already. Where has the time gone? It seems like time goes faster and faster as I get older. I'd love for it to slow down a bit. I know it won't, but it would be nice.

- I've become addicted to playing speed online. It's at It's just like what I used to play as an undergrad with a friend between our lecture class and the lab. So much fun! It doesn't take a whole lot of strategy, just speed (hence the name) and luck. One time I was playing it online and I got nearly to level 30. I haven't been able to get nearly that far lately, though.

Well, I guess that's it. I'm toying with the idea of creating another blog for some commentary I write about the soaps I watch. (Yes, I like daytime dramas.... ) We'll see, though. I may not have enough time to keep it going, but I think it would be fun, as long as it doesn't get to drama filled between commentors. I'll put it in the sidebar if I do create one. And with that, I'm going to stop typing.

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