Thursday, January 18, 2007

Cold Snap and Other News

It's finally feeling like winter here in PA. Not so much in the having snow on the ground, but more in the being pretty chilly outside. I have a feeling that this is just the beginning. We've been pretty spoiled this winter so far, so I'm expecting there to be a major storm sometime before April. Talk about hedging my bets, huh? This is why I'm not going to be a forecaster.

No news on the job front yet. I haven't exactly been trying all that hard, either. I still don't know what I want to do with my life. I have decided, though, that I'm going to expand my search quite a bit. I'm no longer limiting myself to just jobs using my math or meteorology degree. I'm going to look for jobs in any field that sounds at least moderately interesting to me. Plus, I figure, a master's degree has to carry some weight no matter what job I get, right? I mean, the only place that I think it would probably overqualify me for a job is in fast food.

One other interesting item of note to report to you all. I've started a TV commentary blog on similar to my other blog here on blogger. My second real post (I have three, one introduction and two actual posts) became a featured post today! I was quite surprised and happy to see that. Apparently someone thought what I wrote was worthwhile. So, feel free to go check it out either at or the same text in my blogger entry here.

Other than that, not much is new with me. I stayed in my apartment to work from home today. Work is being used in a very loose sense. I did do some actual work, but not as much as I would have liked. But, since I had therapy today, I felt that actually taking the bus to work and having to interrupt my flow in the middle of the day would be counter-productive. I may have been wrong, but I'm not terribly upset about it. I've been working hard all week so far, so no guilt here.

Well, for not having much new with me, that last paragraph was pretty long, so I'll stop writing for now until the mood strikes to write again.

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