Monday, October 15, 2007

It's been a long while...

Yup, I'm finally updating my blog. What can I say? My life has been busy of late, with starting a new job, finding a new place to live, getting used to a brand new city. Lots of changes in a very short time.

I really don't have a whole lot to say. I love my new job. I love living in Madison. I don't love the fact that my car has decided that it wants to die one of these days. I told it (because, yes, I do talk to inanimate objects - luckily they don't talk back) that it could die once I got a decent paying job. I just didn't expect it to take me quite so seriously.

So, I've been doing a bit of car shopping recently, and I'm hoping that some of my friends may have some input on cars for me. I'm looking at a couple different makes, namely Nissan, Hyundai, Kia, and Saturn. If any of you out there have any opinions, experience, or things you've heard about any of these models, feel free to pass it along. I can use all the help I can get. Other than that, not a whole lot else is new, except for the job. But considering that it's getting quite late, I don't feel like I have the time to go into great detail. I'll just say that it's been great, and I can't believe I've been at this job for 2.5 months already. Time flies when you actually enjoy your job.

Anyway, any comments from friends, or even random strangers, about cars would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! :)


Anonymous said...

It's not on your list, and I know it's incredibly "over done" or stereotypical of people our age, but - Honda Civic. They're just overall good cars. I remember Vic had one and it was really nice. The new ones are even cuter (if I recall correctly).

Plus, based on my entirely scientific research (translation: I thumbed through a US News mag), the Civic is the best overall small car.

If you're set on the 4 brands you've listed:
Nissan - My family looked at one of these 2 years ago, but more for a larger car. I can't help you much here, but I do remember they were decent cars.
Hyundai - My family settled on the Santa Fe, and it's an awesome car. For a big car, the mpg is decent. It's also pretty safe.
Kia - I don't know anything about them. I do remember looking at them for my first car (back in 2000) and they boasted about their 10 year warranty. My logic was that I had never heard of them, so who knows if they'd be around in 10 years. Pretty bad logic, looking back. I know they're more affordable, but I don't think they're as cute :)
Saturn - What's nice about Saturns is that the price you see on the sticker is the price you pay. There's no haggling. I'm personally a fan. I hate the bargaining game - I'm not prepared to walk away from someone in the middle of a transaction.

I'd suggest checking out a consumer reports guide. They're pretty good at breaking down every aspect of a car, so you know what you're getting into when you go shop around.

Good luck!

John said...

Thanks Karen! That does help. And I tried to go to Consumer Reports online, but you have to pay to actually get any decent results. I may have to go to the library tomorrow.

Actually, all your comments help more than all the research I've done so far. Good to know. I'd definitely like a Saturn, but that dealership is way on the other side of town, and I'm not sure my car will make it that far. Plus, I looked online, and they only have one car that I'd even want to test drive. The only reason I list them is that both my mom and sister have them and have had pretty good luck with them.

I guess we'll see. I think a lot of it is going to be how I feel driving whichever car I choose. I'm a firm believer of having this gut feeling about the car to buy. It's how I pick apartments, too. :)

Oh, and by the way, I love that you put cuteness in your decision making. ;)