Saturday, January 05, 2008

Big news!

Two pieces of news to report to anyone that is still reading this and hasn't given up even though I post maybe once every two months lately.

First is about me. I've discovered I have sleep apnea. I'm now on a CPAP that forces air into my passageways to keep them from getting blocked when I sleep. I still don't know if it's helping. I actually feel like I'm sleeping worse than I did before I was on the CPAP, but I guess I need to give it time to work for me.

And let me tell you, the mask I have to wear on my face while I sleep is really attractive. Except not.

The second piece of big news is that my sister got engaged! I'm so happy for her. She's found a guy that treats her well and that she loves and that isn't an enormous dick like some of her exes were. I'm very excited for her. She's even letting me walk her down the aisle. I'm getting teary just thinking about it.

The wedding is being planned for summer 2009. I'll have to clear my calendar for it. And start losing weight so I look good in whatever I wear to walk her down the aisle.

Other than that, not much new from Wisconsin. I'm having a blast at my job, even though I'm not liking the getting up early to go to work thing. My new car is still running, which is good. And I can't believe that it's already 2008. Happy New Year, everyone!!


Karen said...

Awww congrats to your sister! That's so sweet that you are walking her down the aisle :)

I'm glad you're still happy with your job! Liking your job does wonders for how you feel about everything else :)

John said...

Thanks, Karen! She's alternately very excited and shocked at how much money it's going to cost. :) But it's all good. And he's a good guy, too. He better not hurt her, that's all I'm saying.

Yup, I still love my job, even though it's crunch time at the moment. We're on the verge of a big deadline, so I've been working semi-long hours lately. Maybe once the deadline is over, I'll actually take some time to chat with you on IM. It should get relatively slow after that.