Sunday, March 30, 2008

More rantings on Mother Nature

Well, the last time I bitched about Mother Nature, the forecast change to be less than an inch of snow, and we only ended up with very little, none of which actually stuck on the ground. Let's see if my powers work again.

Apparently starting tonight through Tuesday, we're supposed to get a ton of rain. OK, maybe not a ton. It definitely won't be enough to need to contemplate building an ark or anything. It's supposed to rain somewhere in the range of two inches. Ugh. Considering that there is already some flooding going on (but luckily nowhere near me), this does not bode well.

I am not looking forward to having to drive in the rain. But it could be worse. If this were supposed to be snow, we'd get blanketed. So, I guess there is a silver lining to this big-ass cloud.

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