Friday, July 01, 2005

Two Weeks' Notice

Well, it's official. Two weeks from today I'm moving to a new apartment. I'm actually kind of excited. Not about the actual moving itself, mind you. I'm so incredibly sick of packing up my life and moving every summer. I'm just excited because it's such a nice place. Very spacious, huge kitchen, and it has a washer and dryer included. Yes, it's a bit expensive, but having the washer/dryer in my apartment will save me time and money. Plus, it's on the other side of town, near Wal-Mart, Target, three different grocery stores, Best Buy, etc. And it's right near the bypass, so I can get to the mall pretty quickly, and I can just hop on the highway within minutes and head to Altoona.

Other than that, not much else is new with me. I've been dealing with the not-passing the qualifying exam thing as well as I can. I'm still not thrilled, but it gets easier with every day. I haven't really let it stop me from doing what I would normally do every day.

I've also signed up for message boards for the soaps I watched. It's kind of fun, actually. It's nice to be able to chat with people around the country about the soaps I watch, since I can only do that with my friend Ingrid every once in a great while. I really enjoy it. Plus, it's nice to see other people feel the same way I do about the shows I watch.

Tomorrow I'm off to Greensburg to go to a mall and visit with Ingrid. It should be fun. It'll definitely be nice to get out of State College for a while. It's a nice town, don't get me wrong, but I like to get out every now and then.

Well, I guess that's it. I probably won't post anything before the fourth, so Happy Independence Day!

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