Monday, June 12, 2006


So, tomorrow I get to present something at the group meeting again. The last time I did, the prof (I mentioned him in my rants during that time) absolutely hated my presentation just because it wasn't really focused enough and pretty short. And the only reason for that is that I had to teach about a half hour after the group meeting starts. When the person actually starts to speak it's ten minutes later, so really I had 15-20 minutes to present a ton of stuff I learned at the OS meeting a few weeks before.

This time, my presentation is much more organized, much longer, and more focused. It damn well better be since I've spent a large chunk of time on it. Yesterday was 4-5 hours and today was 8 hours at the office (minus about 30-45 minutes to eat lunch), a break from 5:30-7:30 (coming home and eating), then 3.5 hours after that. I finished around 11pm. I think that's more than enough time to create a good presentation. So, if this certain prof still doesn't like it, f*%& him.

In other news, I've finally found a purpose for Google Earth beyond just playing with it. I put an image from that in my presentation to show the region I'm calculating mixed layer depth for. It was fun getting it to do what I wanted, although when it zoomed in on exact coordinates, it went pretty fast, making me feel like I was skydiving. That wasn't exactly a pleasant feeling. Anyway, I'm happy that I found a practical use for it.

I guess that's all for now. I'm exhausted and heading to bed pretty soon. I need to get enough rest so I'm not feeling like a zombie while I'm giving my presentation.

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