Thursday, January 18, 2007

Cold Snap and Other News

It's finally feeling like winter here in PA. Not so much in the having snow on the ground, but more in the being pretty chilly outside. I have a feeling that this is just the beginning. We've been pretty spoiled this winter so far, so I'm expecting there to be a major storm sometime before April. Talk about hedging my bets, huh? This is why I'm not going to be a forecaster.

No news on the job front yet. I haven't exactly been trying all that hard, either. I still don't know what I want to do with my life. I have decided, though, that I'm going to expand my search quite a bit. I'm no longer limiting myself to just jobs using my math or meteorology degree. I'm going to look for jobs in any field that sounds at least moderately interesting to me. Plus, I figure, a master's degree has to carry some weight no matter what job I get, right? I mean, the only place that I think it would probably overqualify me for a job is in fast food.

One other interesting item of note to report to you all. I've started a TV commentary blog on similar to my other blog here on blogger. My second real post (I have three, one introduction and two actual posts) became a featured post today! I was quite surprised and happy to see that. Apparently someone thought what I wrote was worthwhile. So, feel free to go check it out either at or the same text in my blogger entry here.

Other than that, not much is new with me. I stayed in my apartment to work from home today. Work is being used in a very loose sense. I did do some actual work, but not as much as I would have liked. But, since I had therapy today, I felt that actually taking the bus to work and having to interrupt my flow in the middle of the day would be counter-productive. I may have been wrong, but I'm not terribly upset about it. I've been working hard all week so far, so no guilt here.

Well, for not having much new with me, that last paragraph was pretty long, so I'll stop writing for now until the mood strikes to write again.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Time to start posting again

I've seriously been neglecting this blog, so I'm hoping that in the near future I will post more regularly instead of once a month like I've been doing the past few months. I think today will be more random thoughts, since I don't have anything of any real length to make a decent post.

- First off, I finally found out this week from my advisor that he can fund me through July now. That makes me happy, for the purely practical reason that I won't have to sublet my apartment anytime in the near future. However, I'm so disappointed with what I'm doing at work that I'm not sure that spending that much more time here is going to be good for me. I don't really feel passionate about the work I'm doing, which makes it incredibly hard to actually go to campus to do it. It also doesn't help that I have no idea what kind of job I want to look for. I really don't know what I want to do, which is kind of sad, in my opinion, especially having gone through all this schooling. I mean, I'm 27 and I feel exactly like I did when I was coming out of high school. I guess my next task is just to broaden my job search to just about anything that sounds interesting for me to do. If anyone out there has any suggestions, feel free to leave comments.

- The holidays were great. I loved being at home and not having anything to really worry about. It was just nice overall. I got to spend time with my sister and my mom. The only weird thing about the holidays was that there was no snow on the ground at all when I was home. The only snow I saw was the little bit that fell from the sky as I was driving up I-43 towards home. It just didn't quite feel like Christmas in that regard, although having weather in the 40s isn't anything to complain about.

- I was very happy about what I got for Christmas, too. My sister got me Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and my mom got me a bunch of sweatshirts, a pair of glittens (borrowing the word from Karen for a mitten/glove hybrid), a Pocket Dragon, and a piece of Fenton glassware. Not a lot, but much more than I expected to get. And a nice combination of useful and fun gifts. I also got a new carry-on from my grandparents. Not that I plan on flying much anymore, but having a nice piece of luggage is always good.

- Completely random thought, but still slightly on topic. I love the feel of brand new sweatshirts. I just really like how soft and fuzzy the inside of sweatshirts are before they've been washed several times over.

- On my drive back here after the holidays, I was listening to a news station through Chicago to keep track of the traffic, and there was a blurb about Pat Robertson. I seriously think this guy is delusional. Apparently God has been talking to him and He told him that there would be a major terrorist attack late this year. Am I the only one that thinks he's completely insane. Don't get me wrong, I believe in a higher power. What I don't believe is that God actually talks to all these religious zealots. Maybe it's just me, but I think Pat Robertson should just stay out of the news.

- On a related note, Bush's strategy in Iraq is finally changing! I don't know how because I didn't listen to him talk last night. I make it a point to not listen to him talk. He just irritates the hell out of me. It's about time that something gets changed there, though. I think something should have changed a couple years ago when it was clear that nothing productive was happening. But, hey, that's just my opinion.

- I have to comment on the Rosie-Donald feud going on. I feel that Miss America should have had her crown taken away after being caught underage drinking. She's supposed to be a role model for the youth of America and be working toward the greater good. At least I thought winners of pageants had platforms that spoke of things they want to accomplish that will help the world. So, I think Rosie was completely correct in calling out Donald about it. Of course, I didn't think this little fight would last for so long, nor that it would get so ugly. But still, both sides should just drop it. No good will come from it continuing, but if it must, I firmly stand on Rosie's side.

Well, I thought I had other things to say, but my mind is drawing a complete blank, so I'm going to end this post for now. As always I welcome comments, and if you do read this, feel free to stop by my other blog. That one will hopefully be updated more often as well. Leave comments there, too, if you'd like. OK, now I'll definitely stop because I'm feeling a bit shameless begging for comments here.