Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Random Rants

Well, today I'm still sick, and that may explain why I've been in a more bitchy mood than normal. The first thing today that got me started was the whole Terry Schiavo drama that's going on. The thing that really gets me about the whole thing is that Congress and President Bush had to stick their noses into this business. What right do they have to determine if her feeding tube should be reinserted or not? This is such a personal decision, and to have it politicized like this is just wrong. It should be the decision of the family. First and foremost, her husband. He is the one that knows her best and knows that she wouldn't want to live like this.

Sure, she didn't have a living will, and that's why her family is so set against her feeding tube being removed. But, she's been in what they call a "persistent vegetative state" for 15 years. Do they really think that something is going to change in the near future? I can't see their reasoning. I mean, it's true she's not suffering, but it's still not much of a life.

And the fact that the president decided to try to get the decision of several courts reversed is beyond me. I thought he would have enough to think about with the war in Iraq, and other national and international concerns. But, hey, who am I to judge?

I have another random rant. (I told you I was quite bitchy lately.) I'm getting really sick of the gay.com community. At least the one in State College. Most of the people I talk to are so focused on looks. I know I'm not much to look at really, but at least I have a personality, unlike many of the people I've talked to on there. These people have to realize that if they're looking for something more long-term, personality is what counts. Looks will fade, but a personality will last the rest of your life. I realize I'm generalizing a bit. There are a couple of people I've talked with on there that have become friends, even after seeing what I look like, but those have been few and far between. I'm just sick of people judging me solely based on what I look like.

It doesn't help that I'm depressed, too. So, it tends to hurt me more than it probably would other people. The least I ask from people is a little common courtesy. And that's not just from people on gay.com, but people in general.

Well, I guess I'm done ranting for the day. I'm actually really exhausted, so I think I'm taking the night off from doing any sort of work. So, tonight is relax night for me. Hopefully I'll feel better both physically and emotionally tomorrow.

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