Monday, July 31, 2006

Bush on Israel/Lebanon conflict

I've been meaning to write a post for some time now, but I just haven't felt motivated to write one about anything going on in my personal life. However, since it's the end of July and and I want to have more than one post for this month, I'm writing about the latest fighting in the Middle East, mainly about what Bush has to say about it.

Here's a quote from him from "We want there to be a long-lasting peace, one that is sustainable." Really? My gut reaction is, of course we do. I mean, come on. Who's going to say that we want the peace to only last a short time?! But, of course, this is Bush, so we have to expect him to say what's completely obvious to the rest of us.

However, the one major thing that is bugging me about this is that Bush wants to work with people to create a plan for peace between these two countries. That's nice and all, but we're supposed to think that he can actually come up with a plan to create this peace? Has he even thought about Iraq recently? He's famous for going in, blowing things up, and then wondering why the hell that isn't working! It's sad that I have so little faith in the leader of this country. Wait.... That's implying that I do have faith in the leader of this country. We all know that's not true.

I also think that his desire for peace is just his outward persona. Deep down, we all know that he wants to take down Hezbollah himself. He wants to bring down all forms of tyranny in the world and spread democracy. That sounds great in the grand scheme of things. But the fact that Bush couldn't plan his way out of a paper bag is what gets him in trouble.

I guess I should tone it down before I go too far. Who knows who's reading this? I may be charged with something.....

Usually I'm not this cynical. Well, not this outwardly cynical anyway. I know partially it's because my mind is set at "pissed off at the world." (More on that in a future entry, possibly....) Basically, take what I've written with a grain of salt. I guess I just needed to vent about the completely contradictory messages from Bush.

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