Sunday, October 30, 2005

Homecoming, Halloween, and Daylight Saving Time

This weekend was homecoming weekend here at Penn State. Unlike previous years, I didn't participate in any of the festivities. Usually I like to go to the parade, just to see what kinds of crappy floats the frats put together. But this year, I just didn't feel like going. Part of it is that it was cold out. Parades aren't that fun if you're freezing your ass off. Another part is that I didn't really want to go alone. Yet another part is that I didn't want to leave my apartment really early just to find a parking spot somewhere on campus, because I knew that wasn't going to be fun at all. The last part is I just didn't feel like being in a large mob of people in various states of drunkenness.

Traffic was even pretty bad yesterday only about two hours before the game. I had thought most people would be making their way to the stadium well before that to tailgate, since this is a big game. However, Atherton St. was incredibly busy even at 1pm. Luckily, though, Giant was pretty empty. In fact, some cashiers were waiting for people to go check out unlike most other times I've gone shopping. It was kind of nice.

Tomorrow is Halloween, and I've been debating if I should dress up or not. I don't think I am because I can't think of a really good costume. I could reuse the one I used a couple years ago and go as Death, or one of the monks from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The Monty Python idea really appeals to me, but I'm not sure how many people would get it, and having to explain your costume ruins its effect. Then I thought about getting somewhat dressed up and getting some horns and a pitchfork and go as a well-dressed devil, but the the horns that I really liked looked like they would be rather cumbersome to put on. So, that idea is thrown out. My last idea was to get a shaggy white-haired wig and dress up as Tim Conway's old man from the Carol Burnett show, but since I'm about the only person in State College I know who has watched that show, it would again be a costume I'd have to explain. So, I probably will just wear normal clothes to campus tomorrow. Besides, I don't want to be the only person who dresses up in Walker Building.

Daylight saving time occurred early this morning, which is nice in the fall. Getting that extra hour to sleep is always great. I even took advantage of it, instead of staying awake that extra hour. However, it's sad that on most days I'll be leaving campus after it gets dark out. That's just a little depressing.

After numerous phone calls and rearrangements of my schedule for the next month, I've finally worked it out so that my mom and sister can come to visit me in the middle-ish of November. That's exciting, just because I miss them quite a bit. However, the reason they're coming is so they can drive me to Johnstown for tests on the spot on my eye. So, it's sort of a mixed bag of emotions for that to come. These tests are what I was alluding to in my last post. They are to check to see if the thing on my eye is just a mole, or nevus in technical terms, or if it's..... something worse. Yeah, I'm being a bit cryptic, but it's not something I want to post so the world can see until I know for sure what's going on. I'm just glad my family is coming because I need their support most. Plus, I don't know who I'd ask to drive me to Johnstown on a Friday to stay there for 2-4 hours while I get tested. So, it'll be nice to have them here.

In other news, the Packers just lost another game. Yes, I'll still be a Packer fan no matter how badly they do, but it would be nice to see them win more than one game this season. I'm not sure what's going on with them, but they've been declining for a while now. I'm almost glad the tv listing on Yahoo were wrong about the game being shown here. It would have been painful to watch. I really feel bad for Brett, because I know he wants to retire on a high note, but it doesn't look like this season is going to be it for him. Of course, he seems like he could play until he's 50, so he may be around after the Pack rebuilds a bit.

I think that's about it for now. I need to go write out the bills I have for the month and study some more. Then it's tv time because Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy (which looks like it'll be really good tonight) are on.

Happy Halloween a day early in case I don't write anything tomorrow!

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