Wednesday, February 01, 2006

State of the Union

This is going to be relatively short post for right now, mainly about the State of the Union address. I just took a poll on asking about how I feel about the sountry after the State of the Union address. Since I didn't watch it, I clicked that radio button. When the results came up, nearly half the people taking the poll didn't watch it. It's pretty sad that more people didn't watch Bush's speech. (I have my priorities, a.k.a. my TV shows to watch. I'll probably read the transcript of the address, or maybe just a list of key points.) You'd think more people would be enthused about politics. Although, at this point in his second term, I think a good portion of America is unhappy with the direction the country is going. I know I am.

Anyway, that's all I'm going to say for now. I have a really busy Wednesday ahead of me.

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