Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Major understatement

I was listening to NPR on the way to the grocery store after leaving campus (mainly because nothing interesting to listen was on any other station I have programmed in my car) and they were talking about Bush's "plan of action," or whatever he's calling it. (See previous post.) One of the commentators said, "Bush is not a gifted orator." And I thought to myself, well, that's the understatement of the year.

Anyway, I found it amusing. That's all; it's just another one of those random blog-worthy moments.


Steve said...

Yeah, we've all known since day one that his grammar, diction, and free-form speech is practically at a middle school, hillbillie level. Sure. To bring it up now is just poor reporting. It's sort of like saying New Orleans got wet when Katrina came through. (Gosh I'm grumpy today.)

John said...

Hmmm.... I may have left something out in this entry. I'm not sure. They were talking about his grand plan he unveiled to the country about Iraq. I think the commentator was just mentioning the fact that Bush isn't good with spontaneous stuff. I'm not sure, though. My memory's been kind of bad lately. :)

Steve said...

No, no, I got your point. My point was that the commentator should not have wasted air time stating the obvious. When let loose to talk freely, the Bushisms are rather ... interesting. "smoke 'em out" come to mind, in particular.

John said...

Ah, ok. That's true. The commentator could have used the few seconds of airtime he wasted with something slightly more important. :)