Monday, February 14, 2005

Bah Humbug!

Yeah, it's Valentine's Day, and I'm being incredibly anti-Valentine today. I don't know why exactly. I've been in a bad frame of mind all month so far. But today is especially bad. First of all, I didn't get much sleep last night. And the sleep I did get wasn't exactly restful. But I don't think that's part of it at all. I just think this holiday is one of those Hallmark holidays where people spend loads of money on their significant other just to show them that they love them. Why is it only one day a year that people think they should do something special for the ones they love? I think it would be more special to do something like that on any random day.

Maybe I'm just so bitter because I don't really have any prospects of a romantic life. It seems like every time I meet someone, one of two things happen. One, if I'm chatting online and getting to know the person, they ask for my picture, I send it, and then they stop talking to me. Talk about a major blow to the ego. The second thing is that if I get around to meeting anyone I've met online, they almost always end up having the hots for someone else. I don't know what it is, but anyone who meets me only wants friendship with me. Granted, friends are nice, but at some point, I'd like something more. I have all these nice, little romantic thoughts in my head, but no one to share them with. Oh, well. Maybe I'll find that special someone one of these days. It's just so hard in this town to find anyone worthwhile.

Ah, well, that's enough ranting from me. I'm gonna spend the rest of the night working on 422 stuff and keeping funny stuff on TV to keep my mind off today.

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