Sunday, February 13, 2005

Random rant about pre-emptions

OK, today I just have a random rant about one thing in particular. Pre-emptions. I know most people do not have to deal pre-emptions of their favorite shows, but they are on during prime time. However, those of us that watch soaps are constantly interrupted by them. See, I tape my soap every week and then catch up on it on the weekend. However, every once in a while my soap is interrupted by some sort of "breaking news." However, this breaking news is rarely something I'd call important. For example, this week, there was an interruption showing the pope being loaded into his "pope-mobile." They were telling us how he was let out of the hospital this week. That's nice. Yet, I don't think this news would have been worthy enough to jump into prime time programming to tell people. Granted, soaps don't get the ratings that things like Survivor, Desperate Housewives, and Will & Grace get. But still, if I were a network executive, and thought about pre-empting a show to feature news, it would have to be some pretty spectacular newsworthy event. So, that's my random rant for the day.

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