Friday, February 25, 2005


Well, tonight I had a good night. I went to see Closer with Andrew this evening. They were showing it for free at the HUB. It was a pretty good movie. All about relationships and how they go wrong. There were some pretty powerful performances by Clive Owen and Natalie Portman, too. I'm not surprised that they got nominated for some Oscars.

Then after that, we went down to get some cheap pizza in the HUB, and then were kind of sidetracked by a magic show. Pretty cool stuff.

All in all, it was a very nice night. Especially nice was having pleasant conversation with Andrew. I always enjoy having conversations with people. They don't have to be really personal conversations, just about general stuff that comes to mind.

And now I'm slipping back into a depressed state. Or maybe it's just exhaustion. I'm not sure which. They both are kind of similar. Of course, it's good that I'm tired now. I have to get up kind of early tomorrow to go get an oil change, and do other odds and ends. Then Sunday will probably be work day for me. But we'll see how it goes. For now, I'm off to bed.

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